Spin like it's 2017!

It's hard to believe, but 5 years ago the first version of Steampunk Idle Spinner was shared with the players' community. Many changes have been made since then, game interface and graphics changed, new principles of world building were introduced. But the first testers still warmly recall the "green spinner".

So, for the 5 years anniversary we have added new world into the game featuring the exact same graphics as in the first version of the game from 2017. You'll be able to spin cogwheels to power the money making machine, pump balloons, tap coins to increase their value, place and upgrade engines or give a further boost to your money machine with ore from mines.

This world needs 1000 narrativium to unlock. If you are a new player we suggest you to learn the basics of the game playing the Workshop world. And then you'll be able to earn the required narrativium once you build a portal, or you can use this code if you don't want to wait: I6KC1V

Also, the popular request, upgrades prices for the facilities was adjusted: the formula now does not take into account the facility price increase factor. Thank you for staying with us! Have fun!


SteampunkIdleSpinner.zip 22 MB
Jun 24, 2022

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