A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

We have a combined simulator of farming and mining for you! There are 3 main branches in the game, which depend on each other.

First is Agriculture. Farms grow crops (vegetables, grain, etc) and provide food to grow your population. Some crops (like vegetables) can be sold directly at the market, while others will need a longer production chain to be consumed. For example, wheat should be brought to the windmill to produce flour, then the bakery uses flour to bake bread and sell it to the people.

Population growth provides you workforce, a currency to upgrade automation of production. You can increase farms fertility by spending money, and spending workforce lets the farm work in the idle mode, without the need to click on it (however, you can always additionally speed-up production of facilities by pressing on them).

As population growth is limited by housing, you build additional house by expanding your Industry. Initially you mine clay and produce bricks from it. Later on you'll unlock other materials, including reinforced concrete for the skyscrapers, which will need mining iron ore and coal and smelting iron.

Industry will also provide additional production chains to produce goods for your population and provide special growth boosts.

Once you feel that your progression has slowed down, you can restart the game and earn prestige points. You can select, which aspect of your city building should be increased by prestige points: Tap effect, Housing capacity, Population growth, Prices level, Production efficiency or Transport capacity.

The game originated at Ludum Dare 48 in April 2021, an online gamejam which theme was "Deeper and Deeper". The game got into top 20% in Fun category and into top 25% in Innovation. Since then the game is constantly growing with features and heading towards the full release.

Facts which make this incremental games stand out among the others:

- No extensive clicking is needed: the game has auto-clicker.

- The game works offline, there is no need in internet connection.

- No intrusive ads: ads will be shown only if you want it (in the exchange of bonus)

- Idle time is unlimited: return to the game whenever you like and enjoy your incomes (just make sure to automate production before leaving the game)

- The game graphics lets you actually see how do different facilities interact, and how do the production chains work

- You can select your prestige bonus when restarting the game

The game was made by Airapport: award winning indie game development team. You are welcome to share your results and ask questions in our Discord, which has over 8000 members now: https://discord.gg/qpDbwpF5un

The game is also available on

Game by http://plaza.dsolver.ca/m/GeneralVimes

Updated 12 days ago
StatusIn development
PlatformsWindows, Linux
Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
(25 total ratings)
TagsFarming, Idle, Incremental, ld48, Ludum Dare, Ludum Dare 48, mining, resource-management
LinksLudum Dare


FarmAndMine.zip 18 MB
FarmAndMineLinux.zip 20 MB

Also available on

Development log


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Fun except for science.  I quit after pottery. There doesn't seem to be any mechanism to automate science or even raise the value of scientists (other than random boosts).  waiting around to click 200+ scientists to advance my tech is just way too tedious. 

It would be much better to see a laboratory unlock with bricks and devote money/workers to simply produce science instead.

Oh, thank you you for the comment. In fact, the game has plenty of mechanisms to automate science, they are unlocked once you build a bridge and reach the far bank of the river. I'll think how to make some of them available early.

OK, yeah didn't make it that far. Even just Pottery is like 100 scientists (without random boosts) and the next was even more. since they only pop in randomly it's a real drag since you can't idle them nor can you truly actively play since it's mostly waiting making it a harsh active-required grind wall.

If you already have automation later the easiest early game might  simply be to provide upgrades to boost values per scientist bringing the manual work back down to a tolerable level.  Though that might require re-balancing costs if your base is higher going into automation.

I love the game but I keep restarting progress on the online version

I found a bug, (I think?) I was playing the web version on poki.com and I restarted, but after I had done that I was able to tap where the cooking upgrade was last time, and roll back an upgrade from the last run (this was before I had invented cooking in this run) and it gave me an extra 20 workforce. Now my total pop is shown as 31, but I have 18 free and have spent 33 (sorry this is so long-winded and confusing)

Oh, thank you so much! This is very useful, I will check what could cause it

(3 edits)

Jogo bastante divertido e bom para passar o tempo.


There's no way to play it in Google browser?

Now it is! Here is the announcement: https://www.airapport.com/2024/04/farm-and-mine-goes-fully-cross-platform.html


Если честно я играл в эту игру, а сегодня я вспоминаю, вспоминаю, пишу farm mine и нашёл игру мечты

Hello Airapport. Im is dwajl. It cool game. steampunk idle spinner is dont updating. sad.

Thank you for playing our games! It will be updated, too, eventually. I keep working

Linux version shows white screen on Debian Bullseye

Thank you! Could you, please, check the updated version? Will it work?

I've been playing for few months now... I only discovered the "prestige" function last week because there wasn't a tutorial prompt to use it, or I might? have skipped it by building my first house early? either way now I've got 13 points in "transport" and no clue if there's a way to move them around, or if I'm stuck like this.

About as good at any game this dude makes, sounds like. And the prestige mechanic is going to suck at give diminishing rewards over time and just feel like trash.


Thank you very much!

Yes, I did not mention about prestige, but I totally should. Also, I'm going to modify the formula and the code to avoid the players being stuck. 


I love the moble games and I hope this game is as good